So either I must have missed something or all the worlds Catholics are being taken for complete imbeciles today.
Earlier today, Pope Francis, apparently picking a fight with US Presidential Candidate Donald Trump, pontificated, “A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian, this is not in the gospel.”
The entire Vatican is a Citadel (or Castle) surrounded on every side by immense walls!

The Vatican’s walls were built more than 1,000 years ago at the behest of Pope Leo IV to protect the sovereign state against Muslim pirates.
I would have to agree it seems the Roman Vatican is meddling in American politics in favor of Catholic Marco Rubio on the eve of the South Carolina primary. Whatever! This should be highly offensive to Catholics everywhere!
Just for the record, I agree Trump is probably not a Christian. He appears to be completely unfamiliar with the bible (two Corinthians? ugh) and I find him extremely annoying and I just don’t like him. That being said, I myself obey the Bible and do not cast judgement on Trump or even Obama or any politician. We are ordered in our Bibles to pray for our nations leaders.
1 Timothy Chapter 2 (that’s first Timothy Mr Trump) breaks it down. Pray for our Kings and all that are in authority,… Then… when it comes to all people being saved, we are taught that is not a political problem. Click and read it for yourselves. It seems pretty clear to me.
Mixing politics and religion is NEVER a good idea because our religion will always become diluted and take a back seat to our politics. Believe, and have faith in God. That is a good thing. Then go vote for the strong man. This planet is a dangerous place. Our faith in God is ultimately MORE important than our politics but political answers will never solve today’s problems. Vote for the strong man. The world is a dangerous place. Saving people from their sins is not in the job description or the office of the politician. Keep them separate!
Much Aloha