Tag Archives: ICBM

Bombing the Moon and other idioms

It is an odd fact of life that sometimes we can be so close to someone or something for a really long time, and still have no idea what they are made of inside. In nature, animals use stealth and camouflage to hide their true selves and humans are no strangers to the concept of lying and manipulation to get their way or to get out of trouble.


How the professional liar defends the indefensible

There are many ways to discover the truth, some are more preferred than others and these techniques range from the forgiving and loving to the more sinister like waterboarding and torture.

The intelligence communities have long been this planet’s experts on espionage and information gathering. Our government knows better than anyone how to use everything from a job application to an iphone to nuclear bombs to get the information they want.

Bombing the Moon

Bomb being dropped from satellites may sound like my imagination running wild again but back on Friday October 9th 2009, the illustrious CNN reported that NASA’s strike on moon worked, mission official says. According to the article, when NASA wanted to find out more about what the moon was made of they sent up a satellite called the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite, or LCROSS that dropped a bomb on the moon to kick up dust and debris. Crazy, I know. Apparently they photograph and analyze the dust cloud, then the images that are taken get processed for years to come. You know, isn’t that how life is. Even with a clear image, sometimes it takes a long time to process what we saw in the explosion.

Other idioms

There’s an old idiom in the English language referred to as “shaking a tree and seeing what falls out” that is often used to describe the search for truth. Less than noble attorneys in America have a rather antonymous idiom they will use that describes lying about the truth, “if you throw enough excrement on the wall, some of it has to stick”. They may use a different word for excrement though.

Sometimes in life when there is just so much garbage on your walls its time to do what the scientists at NASA did and drop a bomb to see what’s really underneath.

Two days ago I dropped one of those proverbial bombs as I sent “one of those emails” to some people I have loved for many years. I have been processing what I did and I know I am not one to revert to outbursts of emotion typically so I have been thinking hard and asking myself, “what would make me roll a holy hand grenade into a room full of people”?

I am not one to often second guess my own actions, but I awoke this morning to the rising clarity that the effect I have gotten from this, has actually been quite effective at clearing off some of the filth from my walls.

Quoting from the book of Armaments

I really don’t want to start any public drama with anyone so I am not using any names, but for the people that I blasted in proximity to my holy hand grenade, I sincerely apologize.

I have gotten some nice soundings and images of my moon shot and the smoke is starting to clear after the past day or two. Honesty is mandatory between two human beings or there is no relationship to speak of.

If this message isn’t for you, then kindly disregard.

Much Aloha



ICBM Launch last night off Los Angeles – VIDEO

First the headline on Drudge Report yesterday warned, “US Military Closing Airspace around LAX” or something dramatic. I can’t remember his exact words but next time i’ll try to remember to screenshot his headline.

I guess So Cal residents were “freaking out” last night as they were about to be Nuked or invaded by Aliens or suffer some other Hollywood Blockbuster worthy event as CNN reports here. Reports flooded twitter, facebook and YouTube that there was a big bright blue UFO exploding over Los Angeles last night like in this video below.

PROFANITY ALERT Turn down your volume if you have kiddies around or just prefer not to hear the swearing. While these Los Angelinos insist “it had to be a UFO” there is another explanation. (the “explosion” starts at about 1:09)

Here is the the Navy’s official statement on the event from the Third Fleet’s Cmdr. Ryan Perry via Channel 7, an NBC affiliate in San Diego:

“Navy Strategic Systems Programs conducted scheduled Trident II (D5) missile test flight at sea from USS Kentucky, an Ohio Class SSBN, in the Pacific Test Range off the coast of Southern California. The tests were part of a scheduled, ongoing system evaluation test. Launches are conducted on a frequent, recurring basis to ensure the continued reliability of the system. Each test activity provides valuable information about our systems, thus contributing to assurance in our capabilities.

The missile was not armed. Strategic Systems Programs does not routinely announce missile testing. Information regarding the test launch of Trident II (D5) missiles is classified before the launch.”


Artist conception of Ohio Class Sub launching an ICBM

The US Navy explanation seems to check out. Other bloggers have screenshots of marinetraffic.com last night which show the entire area between Pt Mugu and Santa Cruz Island offshore blocked off by the US Navy and the USS Independence Combat Littoral Ship patrolling the area. The USS Kentucky was underwater and the launch of the ICBM probably would have been much more impressive from the bridge of the Independence than any YouTube video.

Much Aloha