Kalitta Air was named in a lawsuit filed yesterday for refusing to accommodate employees
exempt from the company’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate. Loyal mechanics, pilots,
dispatchers, and leaders who dedicated years of their lives to Kalitta have now lost their
livelihoods because they could not take the vaccine for medical or religious reasons. While
those employees had worked safely throughout the pandemic—and had the ability to
continue doing so—Kalitta ignored requests for reasonable accommodations to their
Regrettably, the company’s policy is nothing more than an unlawful policy decision by
management that failed to follow federal anti-discrimination laws, the example of other
companies, CDC guidance, and common sense. Rather than follow the law, Kalitta chose to
hurt loyal employees and their families—all while claiming to be a “family” company.
While many have been able to find other work at companies that do not mistreat their
employees, some Kalitta workers are still without jobs for months and all of them have been
harmed by the company’s actions. We expect Kalitta to restore people’s livelihoods and
make right the damage they caused in illegally enforcing their vaccine mandate against those
unable to take the shot. We also hope that Kalitta will begin promoting an inclusive work
environment, free from further abuse, discrimination, and retaliation. Thank you.
Further media inquiries should be directed to:
John C. Sullivan
610 Uptown Blvd, Suite 2000
Cedar Hill, TX 75104
Mike Oppenheimer at www.letusreason.org has written a 4 part expose on YWAM outlining their continued error, spiritual abuse, and absolute support by Calvary Chapel Honolulu specifically, as well as Calvary Chapels nationally and internationally.
Quick Summary of YWAMs error
YWAM and its leadership embraces the “New Apostolic Reformation” (NAR) false teachings that include the “7 Mountain Mandate” and is essentially a Dominionist teaching. Dominionism in a narrow sense, is incompatible with pre-millennial evangelical Christianity and leads to extreme right wing political beliefs which can be summarized as “Christian Nationalism”.
A broader usage of the term dominionism / dominionist leads to confusion and attempts to marginalize any discussion on theology.
This zone of confusion and marginalization is where YWAM thrives. Traditional Christianity does not teach we are to love this world or try to take over it’s governments, educational and entertainment industries. This is just the beginning of YWAM’s problems.
Links are at the end of my article. Skip ahead for the links or continue to read along as you wish for more of a background on this topic.
Waxer, Danny, Bud and Bill. the Calvary Chapel Clique
Mike Oppenheimer is a very kind person and only mentions a certain “Hawaii Calvary Chapel pastor”, in his article so I have added a photo so you, my readers can figure out who is who.
I probably know at least half the men in the photo on a first name basis (I was never introduced to JD Farag and a few others) and I would like to think most of them are genuinely ignorant (of YWAMs errors); but I also know at least some of them are very willingly ignorant of YWAM’s errors. This leaves ONLY two possible options. #1. they don’t speak out because being a pastor is a good job and they don’t want to be unemployed. (this begs the question are they even believers or just good at their job) #2. they know about the error and tolerate, condone and spread it willingly in their pursuit of filthy lucre. Where a individual leaves “being afraid to lose his job” and enters true apostasy is between them and God. I don’t judge any of them eternally but their error here on this planet needs to be addressed. Period!
I beg these guys in the picture above. Many whom I have been friends with and prayed with and cried with and laughed and grew up with. Do you really believe the Bible is true? If its true, then ALL of it is true. Guys please look at THE EVIDENCE and stop being afraid of your clique or whatever you oathed. If they fire you or disown you, rip the dove off your pulpit and building (if you even have a building) and keep on preaching if you are truly a man of God. You will be a celebrity in HEAVEN, the only place it counts. Where is your FAITH? Look at the evidence!
The Calvary Chapel Honolulu and YWAM connection
Danny Lehmann (YWAM Honolulu) and Bill Stonebraker are the same age thereabouts and both admit being in the same place and same time. That place being Southern California during the “Jesus Movement” in the early 1970’s. This is the same Jesus Movement that brought us a wide ranking of acid tripping pastors such as Lonnie Frisbee, Greg Laurie and Hawaii’s own Danny Lehmann.
lightning bolt surfboards
Did Bill and Danny know each other from the Southern California surf scene? This is very possible as even today, surfing and surfers are a well knit clique. Danny certainly knew who Bill was. Bill Stonebraker was a famous surfer and surfboard shaper for Greg Noll and Lightnng Bolt Surfboards.
The first time I think either of them admit being acquainted was when Bill Stonebraker was preaching out of the Diamond Head theater in the 1980s and as the story goes, Danny gave Bill a prophecy that he would be the “shepherd of many sheep” or something along those lines. This is (thought to be) why Bill refuses to address Danny Lehmans error to this day.
Danny Lehmann, Greg Laurie and Bill Stonebraker are the tightest of friends and the only thing I can say with certainty about their early days is that if you ask any one of them about Lonnie Frisbee they will get very uncomfortable and try to walk away from you (or me) or just cut you off. I have done it. Try it. They get very mad. Ask them what they are hiding? How close were they to Lonnie?
Greg Laurie for certain was very close. Greg was known to follow Lonnie around and even dressed like him. Maybe they were more than friends? Is it true that when Lonnie Frisbee was basically excommunicated from Calvary Chapel, Greg Laurie took over Lonnie’s “front line” evangelist position and even the congregation at All Saints Episcopal Church in Riverside? Try asking Bill or Greg any of these questions and watch the sparks fly.
Lonnie Frisbee, Kathryn Kuhlmann and Chuck Smith
Danny Lehmann used to mention Lonnie on occasion but not anymore. Mum has become the word. Lonnie is erased from Calvary Chapel history. If you don’t know why you really need to start doing your own research.
Not a single Calvary Chapel or Word for Today published book mentions Lonnie Frisbee at all even though he is the real reason the Jesus Movement happened. Well Lonnie Frisbee was used by Chuck Smith and known witch Kathryn Kuhlmann. The evidence is readily available and not hard to find, you just wont find it in a Calvary Chapel bookstore.
The reason is simple. Any discussion of Lonnie Frisbee is a rabbit hole that takes you into a world of error and apostasy that on one hand while Calvary Chapels (Harvest, One Love, Fresh Love, etc) claim to resist, the evidence is today’s greater apostasy (the entire Christian Contemporary Music scene and the word faith-prosperity movement) actually BEGAN in the Calvary Chapel inspired Jesus Movement of the 1970’s but that is a WHOLE different story.
Today we are exposing YWAMs error.
Mike Oppenheimer’s articles come out at the same time as a pair of unrelated videos were dropped on the internet.
After watching both videos I believe the timing of Mike Oppenheimers article below is impeccable. While the videos speak for themselves, Mike Oppenheimer gives the real meat and potatoes behind YWAM’s abuse and history of error.
So… Rather than spin our wheels in the endless doughnut of YWAM logic (or lack thereof)
Here are Mike Oppenheimers articles in their entirety.
I was driving around the back of Waianae Valley on Oahu earlier this month and saw a unique mountain I have never noticed before. It immediately struck me as a mesoamerican style step pyramid.
My LDS friend in the car just shook her head as if to say “I told you so” and suggested I research if anyone else has ever looked into it. Well nobody has. Nothing on line. Here were the first screenshots I took off of google earth.
(Mormons believe ancient races of humans called Nephites and Lamanites lived in the Americas and Polynesia. I’ve always had problems with basic Mormon theology. I won’t say Joseph Smith was right on this point but I will suggest he was at least more accurate than the atheists and the university historians, and I love my Mormon friends).
These ancient megalithic sites around the world point to a much different version of history possibly than we have been taught in our schools. It appears we may have a rather large megalith right here in Waianae.
I ran a quick search through google for a variety of other querys such as “Waianae Pyramid” etc and a few hiking pages show up right away, but they are describing a long ridge over Nanakuli, not the same structure I am looking at in Waianae Valley.
It got me thinking maybe there is more than one pyramid on the Waianae Coast so before taking another drive out there I decided to do a little more online research.
“Hawaiians named everything”, is what a fellow hiker told me today as I did my first recon hike to the mountain. He got me thinking.
The best place I knew of for Hawaiian place names are old USGS Quadrangle maps. I pulled up the Waianae Quad on line and got the name… Kōleali‘ili‘i. It’s even square on the Quad map so that was encouraging.
I had no idea what Kōleali‘ili‘i means and Wehe’wehe came up blank but i was phoned by a good friend after posting this on Facebook. He explained to me its meaning. Broken down its Kolea li’i li’i = “little kolea”. Kolea is the migratory bird that Polynesian navigators followed to find Hawai’i and Tahiti. li’i li’i is “little” so little kolea. Very interesting.
Hawaiian Navigators used the stars to find their way across thousands of miles of open ocean. Birds have been used to find islands by sailors all around the world. This gives our pyramid an astrological and navigational connection. Now I must wonder if there’s a little kolea, should we also begin looking for a big Kolea?
The geometry of Kōleali‘ili‘i is unmistakably linear with defined edges and defined steps. It is a 4 sided square mountain. It is mathematically a pyramid. The only debate now is whether it is man made or natural.
Now if Kōleali‘ili‘i is a man made pyramid then it would make sense it should line up geometrcally and latitudinally with other known pyramids.
I fired up Google Earth and started drawing lines. Ill show you what I found in a clockwise order starting from center.
Click to make big
The first line from center goes almost right along the 21.30 North lat line over the Pacific Ocean, crosses the Calzada de los Muerto and goes right up the stairs to the capstone of the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan, Mexico.
I cant tell you how excited I was. I was certain I found something and if I was right, more matches would be quickly found.
The pyramids in Waianae and Mexico both seem identically lined up. I did not measure but looks approximately 30 degrees off North. They follow the sun and the equinoxes so this makes sense also astrologically.
The next line was the SW corner of the pyramid. I drew it out as far as the South Pacific and just started looking at islands. I couldn’t make a match but then discovered a small island visited by Thor Heyerdahl 50 years ago.
Check out the strange ruins on Rapa Iti and see if it doesn’t look like some ancient megalith. Our SW line goes right through it. My friend also explaine to me “iti” is the same word phonetically as li’i in Hawaiian. Rapa Iti literally means “little Rapa”… Another hint!
The next line I drew was the SE line and it goes right past Hidden Treasures store in Makaha which oddly enough, has a pyramid over its entrance.
I would run the line all the way to Papua New Guinea (PNG) and it goes into downtown Port Moresby where the locals all know there is a pyramid like structure on the SW entrance to the main harbor.
I can’t really point to anything conclusive along this line but It’s OK because I did not know Kosrae or PNG had megaliths until I began this research yesterday. Now I do! I’ll bet you my reader didn’t know they were ancient structures on those islands either now did you?
The last line would be the NW line. Initially I wasn’t too excited about this direction because I didn’t think it would hit anything. I ran it up the computer screen and it went through the Aleutians and off across the Arctic Ocean. I was pretty sure it was a dead end until i flipped the globe around. Can you see where that line is going?
Yeah, that’s Giza, Egypt. Mean, eh? That pretty much closes the deal for me. I’m mostly convinced at this point.
So what the heck is really going on here? People want to tell me its “Mu” or “Lemuria”. These are basically Polynesian Atlantis like stories. My quick research shows me Mu and Lemuria may possibly be channeled names. The research behind Mu is often new age or occultic. Be careful.
The last line which was the NE line ran across the USA and right through St. Louis Missouri. I know there are ancient mounds across the US Midwest so zoomed in and found ANOTHER direct hit. My last line hits the largest of the Cahokia Mounds.
These mounds are well buried underneath dirt and would be similar to what we see in Waianae. Ancient pyramids covered in dirt from a global cataclysmic flood.
There is an ancient book that tells about our origins, our genealogy and genetics. No its not a Mormon document (sorry). The same root word for gene-tics and gene-alogy is the first book in the Bible, it is Gene-sis.
In the 6th chapter of Genesis is described the antediluvian world. Our planet as it existed before a global flood that was judged for its continuous evil by the creator. Occultists call it Atlantis or Mu. Whatever its name was. I think were all talking about the same thing and the evidence is here in plain sight.
A global flood might leave pyramids more exposed out in the desert like Giza but what I think is going on in Waianae is a buried pyramid. Similar to the Cahokia mounds or the Bosnian pyramids.
I have always thought the larger Heiau’s in Hawaii were very pyramid like. Pu’ukohola on the Big Island, Hale O Pi’ Ilani on Maui and Ulupō on Oahu all look like small pyramids to me. Maybe these Heiau and temples placed all around Hawaii, Micronesia, and the Pacific are indeed designed after more ancient, larger megaliths which have been mostly lost under water, over time, through erosion, and more recent volcanic episodes.
I want to share one last view with you from Google Earth. Look at the layout of Ka’ala and imagine her before the deluge. Imagine Ka’ala possibly as grand as Maui’s Haleakala before the great flood of Noah. Imagine a great ancient civilization living underneath Ka’ala’s leeward side. The Heiaus and Pyramids and the name of the mountain in Nanakuli (Heleakala) are all possibly hints to something much greater once upon a time.
Pastor JD has changed his tune on this teaching. On today’s YouTube update Pastor JD will just explain. I’m very impressed with his action. It is tragically THE FIRST TIME I have seen such humility in a Calvary Chapel pastor. Good Job JD. The rest of them should swallow their pride and follow your example. Aloha JD if you sneaking peeks on my blog.
The following is my original post from 4/21/2017
James Jacob Prasch questions JD Farag the pastor of Calvary Chapel Kaneohe over his non-traditional pre-trib views, specifically JD’s interpretation of 2 Thessalonians 2:3, JD’s mis-interpretation of the word “apostasia” (Strong’s 646), the rapture of the church, and the current global apostasy. Jacob Prasch is calling for a symposium or a discussion on this topic, not division.
Watch the Video
Jacob Prasch praises JD and the CCA (Calvary Chapel Association) for taking “something of a stand” against Brian Broderson departure and I agree. (that is, they didn’t really take a hard enough stand). Emergent doctrines and practices plague all the larger Calvary Chapels I have been to and I have yet to hear any Calvary Chapel Pastor voice a strong stand against the apostasy/departure that is flooding the charismatic churches today.
Jacob Prasch starts out very graciously in regards to JD’s teachings. By 28:00 minutes Jacob Prasch cites Dr Arnold Fruchtenbaum and Dr Mark Hitchcock as those who are upholding traditional and scholarly pre-trib vs the less educated less exegetically skilled and less knowledgeable and who are deviating from it. (that would seem to be JD Farag of Calvary Chapel Kaneohe)
Jacob Prasch then says, “Without intending to offend anyone”, (pretty sure they ARE going to be offended) Jacob Prasch makes the case that this is clearly the teaching of the rank and file Calvary Chapel’s and most other Charismatic churches today and it is just the tip of the iceberg in my opinion, of the many problems facing Calvary Chapels and all of Christendom today. Jacob Prasch then describes how the 2nd generation of Calvary Chapel leaders are not as learned as Pastor Chuck or Paul Smith. Jacob also says it’s always milk teaching at Calvary Chapels nowadays and there are not many pastors at Calvary Chapels anymore who value actual academic bible study. Jacob Prasch goes so far as to describe JD as basically “untaught” as compared to more formally qualified scholars such as Arnold Fruchtenbaum or John Walvoord or Mark Hitchcock.
What Arnold Fruchtenbaum Actually Teaches
I love intelligent debates and would eagerly welcome a reply from Pastor JD. As for myself, I have a copy of Fruchtenbaums “Footsteps of the Messiah, the Sequence of Pre-tribulational Events” in my library. I decided to take a look and see if Dr. Fruchtenbaum indeed taught pre trib like JD Farag of Calvary Chapel Kaneohe or more like Jacob Prasch was asserting.
On pages 85-86 Dr Arnold Fruchtenbaum clearly teaches the rapture of the church does NOT begin the tribulation. Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum teaches it will be the confirming of the 7 year covenant that begins the tribulation, NOT THE RAPTURE. This is traditional “pre-trib” vs the “imminence” doctrine popularized by Tim Lahaye, Thomas Ice, JD Farag and pretty much the rest of the Charismatic movement.
Accusations of False teachers
The problem that Jacob Prasch and others like myself have with JD Farag of Calvary Chapel Kaneohe are this. JD Farag of Calvary Chapel Kaneohe makes accusations that “whoever doesn’t teach a imminent rapture pre trib view is a false teacher” and the word “apostasy” in 2 Thessalonians actually means “rapture”.
According to JD Farag of Calvary Chapel Kaneohe, he confidently proclaims he “seals the deal” in this debate with his handling/mishandling of 2 Thessalonians 2:3. He has said it many times on his weekly “prophecy updates” and his notes are also posted on his website. Here is one example. http://www.calvarychapelkaneohe.com/mp3/Mideast/Mid-East_Update_2012-08-26.pdf
(Thanks to Tina who left a comment pointing me to these notes)
I agree with Jacob Prasch, we shouldn’t be accusing each other but rather discussing what we have in common which is much more.
Jacob Prasch wraps up the video using the church in China as an example of being an actually prepared church vs a falsely secure church and which one has survived communism and persecution.
I really enjoyed Jacobs scholarly presentation and think it is so well done I am sharing it on all my social media platforms and by email and text to my friends, family and others.
This has got to be a very unpleasant topic for Christians as it hits us right between the eyes. Pointing fingers at the cults down the street or the word faith whack jobs on television is child’s play compared to looking within at our own beloved institutions and Bible teachers.
I have just finished reading a 2011 book from “The Word for Today” Publishing by Paul Smith, brother of the late Pastor Chuck Smith. Paul Smith’s book presents a case that the battle for the bible was fought and lost at Fuller Seminary, paving the way for the emergent church and the current battle being fought over biblical interpretation, and the denigration of the Bible from being the inerrant Word of God.
This battle has now spilled over into a full blown church split at Calvary Chapel and is spreading like leaven throughout all evangelical churches, seminaries, and Bible colleges across America and around the world.
Paul Smith documents that Fuller Theological Seminary was the main arena for the battle of the Word of God in the 1960’s and 1970’s which would become the “emergent church” of our generation and the Great Apostasy of Christendom. spoken about in 2 Thessalonians 2. In the 2010’s this battle is being fought at among many other Churches, the Calvary Chapels.
Timothy was also warned about the “latter times” and “perilous times” that would come, Jude warned us about false teachers coming before the “Judgement of the great day”, almost every apostle, Peter, John, James, and Jesus Himself all warned about false teachers and deception as being the #1 super sign of the last days.
If the Bible truly is the inerrant Word of God, and superior to to all other merely human writings, then we should be able to rest in its truth and wisdom in the light of any challenge.
Once we are faced with the reality of ravenous and grievous wolves arising in our own churches, instead of being gripped with confusion, fear or panic, we can be comforted by the Words of Jesus to Peter in Matthew 16:18
upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
It would have been so much easier if I could have found Paul Smith’s book in the Calvary Chapel book Store instead of having to dig around the back channels of the discernment ministries websites and videos. The lack of transparency among current Calvary Chapel leadership is troubling to say the least. I do not condemn them, I wish to only encourage the good ones that remain. My perception and opinion is that most of them do not understand what is going on. This is OK. There’s an old saying…
“you don’t know what you don’t know”.
I recommend Paul Smith’s book to them as it is also a first hand account of Chuck Smith’s wishes before he passed away and an excellent history of the battles fought in the past at Fuller Theological Seminary, and the current struggle for control of Calvary Chapel.
Something is different this time
All through the year of 2016, I have been diligently trying to figure out what in the world is going on in our churches. I know something is different and was having a very difficult time putting my finger on it. I have asked several trusted pastors to explain to me the many clues and issues I was discovering. I would often be met with a wall of resistance or complete confusion on the topic of apostasy in the church.
does this remind you of anybody?
In the past year the only people I found that were aware of and willing to talk about this apparent apostasy were never the ordained clergy.
The pastors at my own Church, instead of openly discussing these issues, would only whisper of these things quietly with me, then instruct me not to spread conspiracy theory or false reports because “yeah, that would be bad”.
One well known Calvary Chapel pastor in Hawaii even went so far as to accuse me of “slandering a man of God” when I shook his tree a little too hard. One has to wonder if that particular pastor truly trusts in the Bible being the inerrant Word of God. If he did, I would think he might welcome discussions such as these much more confidently instead of threatening his sheep.
The year of 2016 has not even ended yet and my so called “conspiracy theories” and “false reports” are now being shouted from the rooftops by various news outletsaccording to Luke 12:3
Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.
This really is just the tip of the iceberg. I have been forced to do my own research as my own pastors mostly refuse to discuss these things with me. In all reality, I actually don’t think they themselves understand what is going on. I have to thank the ministries of Emergent Watch, Understand The Times, Berean Research, Let Us Reason and Paul Smith.
For those who can’t wait to order and read the whole book, watch this video by Paul Smith available on YouTube for a little preview of where Paul Smith was coming from.
Paul Smith’s book was published back in 2011 and he would accurately describe, 5 years ahead of time, what is now happening at Calvary Chapel. Pastor Chuck Smith also saw the emergent problems coming, and warned about them early also, almost prophetically, in writing, back on August 17, 1981 and again on June 5th, 2006. (page 136-137 New Evangelicalism) or click here PastorChuck_parsontoparson[1]
Best I can tell, both times, in both letters, Chuck Smith is telling anyone who wants to “go emergent” to just leave and take off the Calvary Chapel name from their church.
I still have many unanswered questions but the clarity is beginning to focus in. According to Paul Smith, two big things concerned him and his brother Chuck. The first was repeated by Chuck many multiple times as he would quote Acts 20
Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them.
The other larger issue concerning Paul Smith is dealt with more in the above book than the video and this is the larger Emergent church movement. Calvary Chapel has huge problems now and it is my opinion the majority of the pastors are confused themselves.
Instead of singling out any of the Calvary Chapel pastors which include many life long friends of mine, I will instead attempt to peel away a few stinky layers of the greater onion here. My prayers are with the Calvary Chapel pastors. They need to listen to the inerrant Word of God and the Holy Spirit, and not necessarily each other. True leadership always arises in the midst of trials. Their current leadership appears to be infiltrated and possibly corrupted at some level. These pastors need to decide if they truly serve Jesus and His church or a denomination which is effectively what Calvary Chapel has become.
What is the Emergent Church anyway
Emergent messages dilute the truth. They are undermining, degenerative and confusing. These are nothing less than satanic spiritual attacks that spill over into the physical realm through church splits, heresies, and the love of many growing cold (Matthew 24:12 and Revelation 3:15)
many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
It is the opinion of many, including Paul Smith and myself that the accommodation and compromise of the emergent movement have done nothing less than set the stage for the “apostasy” and the “man of sin” spoken of in 2 Thess 2 and the coming one world religion.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 says all scripture is given by inspiration (theopneustos) or “God breathed”. This means that God does not communicate error. If God is capable enough to supernaturally create everything then is He not also supernaturally able to communicate without error?
Fulfilled prophecy is God’s “authentication code” and according to Peter makes our faith “more sure”. (2 Peter 1:19)
The false emergent teachers don’t seem to think so. They have abandoned the Word of God as their authority and have instead embraced social liberalism basically. Before we can rightly untangle the web of “emergent” doctrine we need to go back and take a little history lesson first to see how we got here.
Philadelphia to Laodicea direct non stop
It is a working theory in evangelical and conservative circles that biblical institutions have about a 75 year lifespan to evidence significant change but that when it comes, it happens almost overnight.
Historically, our modern church age of “Christian fundamentalism” had been under attack since at least 1905 from Humanism and modernism, especially in the Universities and in the government and the media.
The Fight for Orthodoxy begins
In the 1940’s, evangelicals would begin to fight for orthodoxy. Evangelical Christians from Westminster and various other universities officially banded together and created “The National Association of Evangelicals” (NAE) in April 1942.
The NAE grew rapidly. In the weeks following that April day in 1942, Other groups across the United States began to band together and fight for orthodoxy, they were the ACCC American Council of Christian Churches, the Federal Council of Churches, the National Council of Churches and the darker and more sinister WCC World Council of Churches also sprang up in 1942. With the exception of the WCC, these were the men and women who would “fight for orthodoxy” and defend the authority and inerrancy of scripture.
The keynote speech announcing it is worth reading (pg 58 New Evangelicalism)
The children of these devout men of God, the next generation known as “baby boomers” would eventually birth the “Jesus movement” hippies of the 1960’s and 1970’s (yuppies of the 1980s) who would, according to this theory, “assume orthodoxy”. This includes many solid bible teaching churches that would assume they had the correct doctrine so long as they “taught the bible”. AOG, Calvary Chapel, Foursquare, Word of Life etc.
While many previously solid christian churches and universities begin to crumble before and after 1942 and even before the Jesus revolution of the 1960’s, if we look to the end of this 75 year cycle, if we use the 1942 as our baseline and apply the 75 year rule, our generation’s apostasy begins now, somewhere around 2017. If their theory is correct, it will be our generation that completely “abandons orthodoxy”, and is this not what we see evidenced today?
The Battle for the Bible
A case in point is to study what happened at Fuller Theological Seminary. Dr Charles Fuller first studied at BIOLA and then would go on to say controversial things like “apostasy needed to be purged from BIOLA”. He would go on to start Fuller Theological Seminary in June 1947. Fuller Seminary would become the beacon of the inerrancy of the word of God in the Western USA for the next 15 years. By the 1960’s infighting and bickering would begin to take over and Fuller Seminary would fully forsake teaching the Bible as the inerrant Word of God by the late 1970s. This would be a little over 30 short years.
This is where it gets weird. There are over 40 boxes containing 700 documents stored in Wheaton Illinois Billy Graham Center concerning the issues surrounding the battles over the bible that took place at Fuller Seminary in the 1960’s and 1970s. 50 of these folders were restricted from access until January 2008, Six folders are restricted from research until after the death of Billy Graham, another three folders are restricted from research until after January 2019.
What is in the remaining folders is unknown but they most likely deal with exactly what we are talking about here. The battle for orthodoxy at the highest levels of the American churches and Christian universities.
If Paul Smith is correct, these documents describe the foundation of the coming antichrist one world religion, at least the Western Christian portion of it.
We believe the bible is inerrant
We (individual believers) may actually be the remnant church spoken of in Romans 11.
Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.
If we are living in the apostasy and we are the remnant church, then Jesus says in Luke 21
And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. And he spake to them a parable; Behold the fig tree, and all the trees; When they now shoot forth, ye see and know of your own selves that summer is now nigh at hand. So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand.
What will happen next?
Jesus tells us we will see things beginning to come to pass. The two big ones are Israel the fig tree is their symbol in Gods eyes (not a hexagram) and false teachers (Matthew 24) and the apostasy of the church. Israel was reborn in 1948. The beginning of the apostasy is currently debatable.
In Thessalonians Paul is basically asked when is the day of the Lord and the return of Christ? His answer is found here (2 Thess 2)
Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
If the doctrine of imminence is found in 2 Thessalonians 2 it is that the apostasy and the man of sin being revealed is what would be imminent. With a clear conjunction AND in between “apostasy” and “man of sin being revealed” I for one am starting to look up according to Luke 21!
The apostasy occurring is just as big of a super-sign prophetically as the nation of Israel being re-born in 1948… Rejoice!
The Battle of Calvary Chapel
Paul Smith’s vantage point allows him to accurately describe how the leaders of the new evangelicalism, emergent church and the coming apostasy dialed in their sights on his brother Chuck over the years.
When Chuck Smith would distance himself from those who sought to snare him, such as John Wimber and eventually Rick Warren, these wolves would eventually refocus on Chucks Son Chuck Smith Jr and Chuck Fromm and others. Other discernment ministries are openly exposing famous Calvary Chapel pastors such as Brian Broderson, Greg Laurie, Skip Heitzig, Jon Courson and others as embracing emergent and ecumenical doctrines.
Hawaii has not been immune as ecumenical wolves such as General William Boykin and David Barton and others have been welcomed onto the pulpits of Oahu Calvary Chapels in the past few years. I personally (and others such as Chris Lawson) have discussed these issues with these pastors and can’t say any of us have ever been satisfied with the way those discussions went.
Time and time again we have seen those who defend the Bible as the minority. Calvary Chapel has become at least one of the front lines for the coming “Great apostasy” spoken of in 2 Thessalonians 2. Why most if not all of the Calvary Chapel pastors seem to fear or completely avoid discussing these things is just a mystery still to me. This is obviously a battle but everyone is afraid to stick out their noses.
We are called to separation as Christians, and to create a barrier between us and the coming ecumenical, New Age emergent Laodicean church. We are not to accommodate or compromise with them. There are several Scriptures that support this.
I could go on. This is just a sampling of sound biblical warnings against false teachers.
So what are we? Fundamentalist or Evangelical?
The emergent “new evangelicals” are now creating confusion by continuing to refer to themselves as evangelicals while yet denying the inerrancy of scripture.
Proper evangelicals who still hold on to inerrancy have considered going back to the term “fundamentalist” but the term carries much negative connotations. It has become something of a joke or an insult to be called a “fundamentalist” these days, especially when the news easily loads the meaning with its associations to terror and disdain.
Rick Warren himself calls fundamentalism, “a very legalistic, narrow view of Christianity”. Is it no surprise when our misguided brethren in our churches also accuse us of being “legalistic” when we defend the authority of the Word of God?
The church today is full of confusion and conflict as it attempts to on one hand accommodate and compromise with the new evangelicals while we still hold some kind of a last stand against the global religion that is now upon us.
Do we compromise? Do we conform? Who do we conform to? Romans 8 gives us the answer, it says God has predestined us to:
be conformed to the image of his Son
And Romans 12 says
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
This can only happen by trusting in the changing power of the very Word of God.
The old rules are good rules. Let scripture interpret scripture, use clear passages of the bible to help clarify obscure passages, listen to the Holy Spirit, let God teach you. Be like Jesus, reference the Old Testament when possible. Consider the intention of the author when reading your bible. Are you reading poetry like Psalms? History like Kings or Chronicles? Prophecy like Ezekiel and Daniel, or the good news of the gospel like Luke and John?
Be a “Berean” like the Jews in Acts 17:11. They asked questions are were commended to be “more noble” by Paul.
Another good rule of thumb is never argue with a liberal about liberal issues. Choose your battles wisely. Try to engage them on what is the truth or real evidence. They will always win their liberal arguments. You just can’t win arguing against “helping people”. We stand on the truth, not traditional liberalism or conservatism.
We don’t deny the need for liberal reforms or programs, but these programs still leave us with unredeemed sinners. The emergent churches thrive in this realm. “unity”, “culture” and “community” shape their gospel, the truth gets sidelined.
Hegelian Dialectic
The new evangelical churches busy with “deconstructing” and “redefining” biblical terms like gospel and armageddon, have effectively become the thesis for the antithesis or the problem for the solution of the coming global one world religion.
Hegelian concepts come from German philosopher Georg Hegel. Hegel teaches that in order to synthesize something new, (in this case a global religion) a thesis must be used to confront an antithesis. They speak of deconstructing the New Testament and redefining it in order to “experience Jesus more profoundly”. This is a false teaching and against clear scripture such as Mark 10:45
For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.
The gospels are in perfect harmony with each other and the entire Old and New Testaments. They do not teach a thesis and antithesis creating a global religion. Be careful church. Be very careful!
Peter Drucker
Peter Ferdinand Drucker was an Austrian-born American management consultant, educator, and author, whose writings contributed to the philosophical and practical foundations of the modern business corporation.he was one of the top authorities on the nature of man and society. He believed there were no natural laws and the universe was subject to continuous change.
Later in his life, Peter Drucker would announce that absolutism and rationalism were failures and that the corporations had failed in the endeavor to provide healthy community to society as a whole. Prior to this, Peter Drucker had no interest in the church but it would soon occur to Drucker that his quest to solve all mankind’s issues could be realized through the church. Peter Drucker would become particularly attracted to the seeker friendly megachurches.
Rick Warren and Peter Drucker
Rick Warren and his mentor Peter Drucker
Rick Warren and Peter Drucker would cross paths in a seemingly marriage made in postmodern emergent heaven. More apostates were coming out of Fuller Theological Seminary than ever before and Rick Warren finally had a mentor that he could move the “purpose driven church” model forward, or as Paul Smith writes, put it on a slippery slope downward!
Peter Drucker’s quest for the perfect community caused him and Rick Warren to bond together from the beginning of their friendship. Rick Warren has publicly boasted that Peter Drucker was his mentor and Drucker would shape the “purpose driven church” model more than anything else.
Bob Buford, another famous Christian entrepreneur and philanthropist also claims Drucker to be his role model as well created the Drucker Foundation and wrote a book “Drucker and Me”.
These men are the false apostles of the emergent doctrines. At least one of them clearly denies knowing Christ!
Simon the sorcerer and Balaam the prophet
The only answer our churches should have had for men like Peter Drucker, Rick Warren and the rest of the apostles of the new world order can be found in Romans 8
and when Simon saw that through laying on of the apostles’ hands the Holy Ghost was given, he offered them money, Saying, Give me also this power, that on whomsoever I lay hands, he may receive the Holy Ghost. But Peter said unto him, Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money. Thou hast neither part nor lot in this matter: for thy heart is not right in the sight of God. Repent therefore of this thy wickedness, and pray God, if perhaps the thought of thine heart may be forgiven thee.
the Sons of Calvary Chapel
Drucker and Buford would mentor not only Rick Warren but also Chuck Smith Jr, and Chuck Fromm, both sons of Chuck Smith and Calvary Chapel.
The emergent movement has been particularly drawn to Calvary Chapel over the decades for many reasons. Again, this is according to Paul Smith, he claims agents of the emergent church have been penetrating into and seeking to identify their movement with Calvary Chapel for a long time now.
While Calvary Chapel may have resisted the Drucker inspired Purpose driven model well enough under the leadership of Pastor Chuck Smith, in Chucks older age, the other sons of Calvary Chapel, like Greg Laurie, often crashed Chuck Smith’s events with surprise appearances by Rick Warren. According to Paul Smith, Rick Warren was never invited by Chuck and very much a “party crasher” in all of these photos below.
Why does Chuck look mad? And why is Greg smiling like that?
“Pastors Perspective” and another ambush by Rick Warren, at least Chuck is smiling this time.
Everyone says Rick Warren invited himself to Chucks funeral…
…but then they all pose for a picture with the heretic Rick Warren after.
This doesn’t look good guys. Why doesn’t someone honor Chuck at his funeral and ask Rick Warren to leave? Don’t want to make a scene?
While Chuck Smith held true to the Word of God the many Calvary Chapel pastors who are embracing emergent practices such as Chuck Smith Jr, Chuck Fromm, Brian Broderson and others. Time will tell which ones remain true to the Word of God. One of you please take a strong public stand. Be like Dr. Charles Fuller! Call out the apostasy!
I sometimes feel like a sheep without a shepherd anymore. Out of that whole bunch I always loved Mike Macintosh the most. I wish he would call out the heretic instead but I know Mike has class and doesn’t want to make a scene at Chucks funeral probably.
Jesus and our culture
Jesus anticipated all cultures. He was not shortsighted. None of this is a surprise to Him. Jesus knew his plan of redemption would be challenged by these men. 1 John 2:26-27 says
These things have I written unto you concerning them that seduce you. But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.
This is not complicated. Humanism seduces, the Holy Spirit teaches His disciples. We abide in Christ and Him alone!
Global peace plan
As we can see now, the emergent churches are a tangled web of deception. Fuller Theological Seminary, Peter Drucker, Bob Buford, Rick Warren, all the evangelical churches in America. They all want to go global.
Billy Graham has endorsed Rick Warrens Global PEACE plan and “40 days of purpose” Many discernment ministries are pointing out that the five points in Rick Warren’s P.E.A.C.E. Plan line up perfectly withThe UN Millennium Development Goals
This could very well be the foundation for an inter faith positive thinking Global religion. It is coming through Rick Warren and his purpose driven drivel.
What would Jesus do?
In the great commission, when did we ever see Jesus teach us to embrace humanistic unbelievers and teach them to have a purpose driven life? Was Jesus simply unable to know that by 2017 the world would be “post modern” and in need of some rock and roll and tatted young pastors dancing to a laser light show and spinning pyramids and smoke machines? Is this what we need to reach people these days?
Dr Charles Fuller courtesy of https://www.biblebelievers.com
Whatever happened to the discernment and leadership of real shepherds with a heart like Jesus? Oh what I would give to follow a teacher like Dr Charles Fuller today.
I found an archive of Dr Charles Fuller’s sermons at https://www.biblebelievers.com and will begin to listen to him from this day on. I hope to find some inspiration for future messages.
Jesus said man’s greatest problem was not poverty but alienation and rebellion towards God.
When Paul the apostle stood before Herod Agrippa in Acts 24-26 Paul did not try to “promote reconciliation” or anything resembling Rick Warren’s P.E.A.C.E. plan! The apostle Paul preached the good news of Jesus Christ crucified and resurrected.
The only reconciliation Paul ever preached was to be reconciled through Christ 2 Cor 5:19
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation;
Rick Warren does not appear to be teaching this sort of reconciliation in any of his books. His message is a humanistic cultural reconciliation to each other which may make us feel good but it doesn’t save our souls from sin.
While I can’t ultimately judge Rick Warren’s heart, (only God can) I can be sure that Rick Warren has the same choice to make as all of the rest of us.
A. Trust in the global elite who think they know what is best for mankind
B. Put your hope and trust in God through His Son Jesus Christ.
Last thing I can say is don’t believe a single word I have written here until you do the reaserch yourself. Be a Berean like the Jews in Acts 17:11. Get in the Word of God and see who is really telling the truth.
Billy Graham was known to often preach “The Bible says”… Well whenever I have done bible studies for friends or family I always ask “WHAT does the Bible say”. I want YOU to know. I am telling you don’t trust me or any other preacher, go look, seek, find. The Holy Spirit will teach you. This is promised in John 14:26, 1 John 2:27, Matthew 10:19, elsewhere. It is a marvelous adventure and one I am always blessed to be on.
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.