Category Archives: Apostate Church

Prophetic Checklist for the Beginning of Sorrows

I keep waking up early around 2AM with jet lag from my recent trip overseas. The last two weeks have everyone gripping their armrests in this movie we are all in called life. This morning I decided to write down, in no particular order, a list of “yet to be fulfilled” biblical prophecies with no apologies to my Preterist friends.

First, the definition of Apocalypse.

Apocalypse (ἀποκάλυψις) is a Greek word meaning “revelation”, “an unveiling or unfolding of things not previously known and which could not be known apart from the unveiling”.

I’m sticking to the basic key principles or the “big ticket items”. This is designed for a believer or non-believer to pick up the list and check off the boxes as things take place. I’m not preaching or expounding any of my many opinions, it’s just a simple checklist.

items in RED are in progress, currently fulfilled / being fulfilled

And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book. – Daniel 12

These above items are going to be the big ticket ways to identify with certainty we are witnessing the apocalypse unfold.

I am abstaining from discussions about the rapture, Mystery Babylon, and the identity of the antichrist as I believe they will be obvious when they actually take place.

I appreciate everyone’s prayers.

The Error of YWAM Exposed

Mike Oppenheimer at has written a 4 part expose on YWAM outlining their continued error, spiritual abuse, and absolute support by Calvary Chapel Honolulu specifically, as well as Calvary Chapels nationally and internationally.

Quick Summary of YWAMs error

screen-shot-2019-06-02-at-10.45.51-amYWAM and its leadership embraces the “New Apostolic Reformation” (NAR) false teachings that include the “7 Mountain Mandate” and is essentially a Dominionist teaching. Dominionism in a narrow sense, is incompatible with pre-millennial evangelical Christianity and leads to extreme right wing political beliefs which can be summarized as “Christian Nationalism”.

A broader usage of the term dominionism / dominionist leads to confusion and attempts to marginalize any discussion on theology.

This zone of confusion and marginalization is where YWAM thrives. Traditional Christianity does not teach we are to love this world or try to take over it’s governments, educational and entertainment industries.  This is just the beginning of YWAM’s problems.

Links are at the end of my article. Skip ahead for the links or continue to read along as you wish for more of a background on this topic.

Waxer, Danny, Bud and Bill.

Waxer, Danny, Bud and Bill. the Calvary Chapel Clique

Mike Oppenheimer is a very kind person and only mentions a certain “Hawaii Calvary Chapel pastor”, in his article so I have added a photo so you, my readers can figure out who is who.

I probably know at least half the men in the photo on a first name basis (I was never introduced to JD Farag and a few others) and I would like to think most of them are genuinely ignorant (of YWAMs errors); but I also know at least some of them are very willingly ignorant of YWAM’s errors. This leaves ONLY two possible options. #1. they don’t speak out because being a pastor is a good job and they don’t want to be unemployed. (this begs the question are they even believers or just good at their job) #2. they know about the error and tolerate, condone and spread it willingly in their pursuit of filthy lucre. Where a individual leaves “being afraid to lose his job” and enters true apostasy is between them and God. I don’t judge any of them eternally but their error here on this planet needs to be addressed. Period!

I beg these guys in the picture above. Many whom I have been friends with and prayed with and cried with and laughed and grew up with. Do you really believe the Bible is true? If its true, then ALL of it is true. Guys please look at THE EVIDENCE and stop being afraid of your clique or whatever you oathed. If they fire you or disown you, rip the dove off your pulpit and building (if you even have a building) and keep on preaching if you are truly a man of God. You will be a celebrity in HEAVEN, the only place it counts. Where is your FAITH? Look at the evidence! 

The Calvary Chapel Honolulu and YWAM connection

Danny Lehmann (YWAM Honolulu) and Bill Stonebraker are the same age thereabouts and both admit being in the same place and same time. That place being Southern California during the “Jesus Movement” in the early 1970’s. This is the same Jesus Movement that brought us a wide ranking of acid tripping pastors such as Lonnie Frisbee, Greg Laurie and Hawaii’s own Danny Lehmann.

lightning bolt

lightning bolt surfboards

Did Bill and Danny know each other from the Southern California surf scene? This is very possible as even today, surfing and surfers are a well knit clique. Danny certainly knew who Bill was. Bill Stonebraker was a famous surfer and surfboard shaper for Greg Noll and Lightnng Bolt Surfboards.

The first time I think either of them admit being acquainted was when Bill Stonebraker was preaching out of the Diamond Head theater in the 1980s and as the story goes, Danny gave Bill a prophecy that he would be the “shepherd of many sheep” or something along those lines. This is (thought to be) why Bill refuses to address Danny Lehmans error to this day.

Danny Lehmann, Greg Laurie and Bill Stonebraker are the tightest of friends and the only thing I can say with certainty about their early days is that if you ask any one of them about Lonnie Frisbee they will get very uncomfortable and try to walk away from you (or me) or just cut you off. I have done it. Try it. They get very mad. Ask them what they are hiding? How close were they to Lonnie?

Harvest-A-Greg-LaurieGreg Laurie for certain was very close. Greg was known to follow Lonnie around and even dressed like him. Maybe they were more than friends? Is it true that when Lonnie Frisbee was basically excommunicated from Calvary Chapel, Greg Laurie took over Lonnie’s “front line” evangelist position and even the congregation at All Saints Episcopal Church in Riverside? Try asking Bill or Greg any of these questions and watch the sparks fly.

Lonnie Frisbee, Kathryn Kuhlmann and Chuck Smith

Lonnie Frisbee, Kathryn Kuhlmann and Chuck Smith

Danny Lehmann used to mention Lonnie on occasion but not anymore. Mum has become the word. Lonnie is erased from Calvary Chapel history. If you don’t know why you really need to start doing your own research.

Not a single Calvary Chapel or Word for Today published book mentions Lonnie Frisbee at all even though he is the real reason the Jesus Movement happened. Well Lonnie Frisbee was used by Chuck Smith and known witch Kathryn Kuhlmann. The evidence is readily available and not hard to find, you just wont find it in a Calvary Chapel bookstore. 

The reason is simple. Any discussion of Lonnie Frisbee is a rabbit hole that takes you into a world of error and apostasy that on one hand while Calvary Chapels (Harvest, One Love, Fresh Love, etc) claim to resist, the evidence is today’s greater apostasy (the entire Christian Contemporary Music scene and the word faith-prosperity movement) actually BEGAN in the Calvary Chapel inspired Jesus Movement of the 1970’s but that is a WHOLE different story. 

Today we are exposing YWAMs error.

Mike Oppenheimer’s articles come out at the same time as a pair of unrelated videos were dropped on the internet.

ywam : what you don’t know (my ywam dts experience

Also here;

Pastors Condemn Decades of Abuse Amid Allegations Against YWAM

After watching both videos I believe the timing of Mike Oppenheimers article below is impeccable.  While the videos speak for themselves, Mike Oppenheimer gives the real meat and potatoes behind YWAM’s abuse and history of error.

So… Rather than spin our wheels in the endless doughnut of YWAM logic (or lack thereof)

Here are Mike Oppenheimers articles in their entirety.

The Unbiblical Openness of YWAM part 1 – YWAM’s experiments with the youth.

The Unbiblical Openness of YWAM part 2 – My personal experience, YWAM’s ecumenism and its founders view of Eschatology

The Unbiblical Openness of YWAM part 3 – The many influences of the NAR (New Apostolic Reformation)

The Unbiblical Openness of YWAM part 4 – YWAM’s connection to Lou Engle (NAR Wacko) and “The Send”.

Halle (Salle) Germany Coat of Arms Decoded

IMG_4891So on my way into Amsterdam last week we were asked to divert into Leipzig for operational reasons.

I’ve been into Leipzig maybe a hundred times but this was only maybe my 4th stay in Halle and I believe my first daytime arrival into Halle. For whatever reason, this was the first time I noticed the symbol for Halle upon entering the city. I was able to snap a quick picture of it.

It is clearly a crescent moon and and two six pointed stars and many of us know right away, many of the nations of this world use the crescent moon and a star on their flags.

Turkey and the Muslim countries are first to come to mind, but the US State of North Carolina, many other city municipalities and even a Rugby team (Saracens F.C.) use the crescent moon and star as their symbol. The crescent moon also represents one of the highest orders in Freemasonry, the order of the Shrine or “The Shriners”.

The overwhelming thought in my head wasn’t any ancient imagery though. I was hungry. The main objective this day was first and foremost, to get some hot food.

Taking a walk in Halle now for possibly the first time during normal daylight hours, I started to notice right away the crescent moon and star was everywhere in this city. it is in fact their ancient coat of arms. I started taking more pictures.

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On our way down to the Schnitzel (German for hot food) place, next thing I notice the symbol plastered all over the manhole covers and the side of municipal buildings. Its funny how I had been here at least three other times and never saw it anywhere. Now I can’t NOT see it. Here are a few other places I saw the crescent moon and star in Halle Germany.

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Can you see it? It’s right on the front of the train. Too funny how the brain works and how these symbols are all around us but we often don’t register them in the conscious. There are right in front of you, as they say, hidden in plain sight.


This sculpture one was on one of the older buildings in the market area. There’s many other esoteric symbols on the sculpture besides just the crescent moon and star. Can you name any more? The two obelisks are pretty obvious and so is the sun symbolism at the top and the “lions gate” and “Isis” imagery are all hard to miss, but to the untrained eye its “just a sculpture”.

Well after that walk I was convinced there had to be a hidden history behind the city of Halle. So I went back to my room and began researching Halle and the crescent moon. Guess what I found? Dipkis! Absolutely nothing! Best I could come up with on Google was that according to the German Wikipedia, nobody knows what the symbolism means. Wait, what?

People obviously know what it means. I know what it means. I just wanted to know why the Ancient German Saxony city of Halle was using the crescent moon and star as their banner. Are they ancient moon worshippers or more modern freemasonic shriners? Probably a little of both. Maybe a lot of both.

I began to put together my theory overnight and went to sleep on it. I decided that if my theory was correct, I might find the answer tomorrow in the Market Kirche (Church) which held the position of being the center of the ancient and modern town of Halle. Its gothic design is clearly masonic and whoever built it was going to be “in” on the secret of Halle’s banner. Guaranteed.


The full name is the Marktkirche Unser Lieben Frauen which translates into English as the “Market Church of our Dear Lady” and it is a classic gothic cathedral reminiscent of the Cathedral of Notre Dame (in French = Our Lady) or Monasterio de Santa María de Guadalupe in Spain. The wikipedia does a good job at presenting the history of the Kirche who is often referred to as the Liebfrauenkirche or just Market Kirche for short. (They also have better pictures).

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The church leaves one of their steeples and the high bridge open to the public, so before I went inside the cathedral proper, I took the climb and got a few pictures of the city below. What fun!


With my antennas up now I felt fully enlightened and ready to enter the temple below. There is a belief that across Europe especially, but all around the world really, that there was a “Christianization” of ancient pagan temples. The most famous being the Vatican and Notre Dame which are thought to be built over ancient temples of Jupiter.

My theory was that upon entering the Market Kirche below, I would immediately find the crescent moon and star inside, as I was now certain this was a temple dedicated to Isis or Ishtar. (The Eastern Star or East Star = Ish-tar = Easter). Would my theory hold?

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It was too easy.

Really I thought they would do a better job of hiding it. There was the crescent moon and star at the very pinnacle of the Cathedral. Big enough even my crappy iphone 5 was able to grab it off the ceiling. Sure enough, right underneath the crescent moon and star was the icon of the Market Kirche displayed in the place of prominence.

No, it wasn’t Jesus being worshipped in this cathedral. Just like Notre Dame (Our Lady) in Paris, or the Hagia Sofia in Istanbul, (See my previous post “Bohemian Rhapsody, Hagia Sofia, Mary and the Divine Feminine“) this is another gnostic temple where the goddess is venerated.


I’m sure I could find out more in this library (Bibliothek = Library) just adjacent to the Church. Oops, there’s the crescent moon and star again. Just a coincidence, again?

I really would like a day to browse in the Mary Library but I don’t read German very well. And there you have it, the reason symbols are found all over the world. These symbols are a language all on its own. It is a form of communication. “The goddess is worshipped here”.

The Marian Kirche in Halle is indeed dedicated to the ancient fertility goddess represented by the crescent moon and star since ancient antiquity. I don’t have any evidence the Church is built over any ancient pagan site like the Vatican or Notre Dame but its a safe bet.

Whoever established Halle in ancient times worshipped Ishtar, Astarte, Isis or Venus, Diana, Artemis, or whatever you want to call her. The descendants of these Pagans, along with the rest of Europe, later “Christianized” the goddess and call her Mary today but the crescent moon and star give her away. This isn’t Mary. She is the goddess Ishtar/Isis.

Isis Semiramis comparison

The Gnostics celebrate her to this day. This is an enlightening article here. The Hidden Secrets of Notre Dame and the Parisii of Isis. They are two different churches but many of the same principles apply.

Well before I could walk away I had to grab another picture of the iconography below the Madonna. This one was really weird! Make it big and see if you can spot the dragon behind “baby nimrod / baby Jesus”.


What the heck people!

As I was walking out of the church on my way to find dinner again, my eyes caught the crescent moon and stars one last time. It is the arms of the clock on the 5th tower which sits independently like its own Egyptian obelisk. Two more smaller obelisks are right above the clock on the tower if you have eyes to see.


Look closely! They are right there.

That’s about it for this episode of the Aloha Underground. We will see where God or fate takes me next. I love visiting these ancient places. Please leave a comment below and subscribe! Aloha!

/pau for now

Bohemian Rhapsody, Hagia Sofia, Mary and the Divine Feminine

I’m slowly beginning to return to social media after a life changing and incredibly busy 2018. I’m hoping that 2019 allows me more free time to work on some video projects. The first new video I have made in a very long time is complete and up on my YouTube channel. The Aloha Underground.

I named it Bohemian Rhapsody, Hagia Sofia, Mary and the Divine Feminine

I wanted to share with my friends some observations I made in the Hagia Sofia, one of the 7 wonders of the world. Hagia Sofia means “divine wisdom” and the meaning behind this name is one of the things we will explore in this video. What I saw in there was amazing. I have not been able to get it out of my mind since I left. For several nights I was having very intense dreams about arabian nights and the seven voyages of sinbad and stuff. What a intense place this is. I knew I had seen something amazing. It took me a while to process my videos and photographs and this is my video commentary.

The Hagia Sofia was first built by Constantine almost 1500 years ago, it was originally a Church dedicated to Mary, Jesus mother. During the crusades the city would be fought over many times and it eventually falls to the armies of Islam. The Sultans rename the city Istanbul and turned the Hagia Sofia into a mosque.

In the year 1935, Mustafa Ataturk, the former president of Turkey, turns the Hagia Sofia into a museum and it was he who presented it back to the world.

About a week ago I found myself on an extended layover in Istanbul. I decided to take a taxi up to the museum, stood in line, decided to hire a local as my guide, and in we went. He showed me the entire interior and the things he said just blew my mind. I was so happy to have recorded it. This was the first recording here.

So as my guide is showing me the altar, he reads the prayer inscribed along the top of it and explains the prayer is about the Virgin Mary. He says, “Vigin Mary is a most holy woman for us” twice. He then explains that Mary is in the Koran 3 times as much as she is in the Bible.

Virgin Mary Mosaic

Virgin Mary Mosaic

I have always heard that the Virgin Mary is revered in Islam but often thought, “maybe not. It couldn’t be true, maybe it was, I didn’t know”. Here now i’m suddenly standing in front of a devout muslim now explaining it to me on video! This along with the mosaic of Mary on the ceiling above the alter got my brain working overtime. I started to think that this church is named after “Sofia” but Christians and Muslims both honor Mary in it. I began to discern that there is something else going on here. I started trying to remember what I knew about Sofia and Mary, but my tour was just beginning. We kept walking.

My guide briefly mentions the Arabic statement of faith, the Bismillah, I knew what the Bismillah was and he asks if I had heard the name Bismillah in a song, I said “Yes, Queen” and he says, “Exactly”. Freddie Mercury is no longer around to explain himself, but I find it strange that a classic American Rock ballad contains an islamic prayer calling to Allah that several generations of Americans have been blindly rocking out to without any clue that they were singing the name of the most holy prayer to muslims everywhere.

In another section of the church, we stroll through the actual ancient columns from the temple of Artemis where the Apostle Paul survived a riot in Acts chapter 19. The ancient Ephesians worshiped yet another female goddess diety in this temple named Diana (or Artemis) This is another clue to the theme of this Hagia Sofia.

My tour guide next shows me another ancient Christian mosaic where Constantine and Justinian are offering the city and the church to the Virgin Mary.

So i’m beginning to ask myself why is the name of this building the Hagia SOFIA and not the Hagia Virgin Mary? I needed to get home and do some research.

The first chance I had to google around and research Sofia my first results came back as the artificial intelligent cyborg robot that was made a citizen by Saudi Arabia.

The ancient world meets the future. Are you creeped out yet? It gets better, stay with me.

Sofia comes up again and again with images of ancient depictions of WISDOM. There are statues of her and jewelry you can buy on Amazon. 100% of the time Sofia is depicted as a feminine goddess. We begin to see Sofia is none other than the “Queen of Heaven” spoken of in Jeremiah who over the millennia, “provokes God to anger” as she is a false god. False goddess if you prefer.

88520697-8F9E-499B-9CDA-87044F7792CB All of these images were still very fresh in my mind as I continued my walking tour on ancient Istanbul. As the night set in, I began to notice the symbol of the city posted all over the place on the way back to my hotel. While it looked very familiar, I still wasn’t sure where I had seen it. How could I have ever seen it before? I had never been to Istanbul before. I was a little disturbed why it rang in my brain as being familiar to me. I snapped a picture of it. You can see what looks like 4 minarets, 4 domes, 2 columns and 7 triangles in a center circle.

I later figured out it is the emblem of the Istanbul Metro, but I kept thinking there might be some other esoteric meaning behind this. It wasn’t until the next day that I returned to the city and realized the symbol was more prevalent than I realized. It is being sold in shops all over the Grand Bazaar but I didn’t catch it until the second day. Once I saw it the second day I knew that was it!

hamsa-hand-hand-of-fatima-amulet-protection-vector-5841436All over Istanbul and especially in the Grand Bazaar we find for sale the evil eye or all seeing eye “Hamsa” hand symbol. The Hamsa is yet ANOTHER feminine reference to WISDOM.

Its clearly the source of the Istanbul Metro symbol.

So what can we determine? I propose the evidence suggests that not only did Justinian and Constantine dedicate the city to Sofia in ancient times, but the modern city leaders have also.

Before we get too far away from the symbol of the Istanbul Metro, please notice the seven triangles in the center circle. This is a reference to Istanbul being a city that sits of seven hills. This is no secret. The Wikipedia page even has a fantastic map depicting all seven hills.

There is a reference in the Book of Revelation chapter 17 to the “city on seven hills” where a woman sits, who is surrounded by blasphemous names. Most protestant Christians over the past few hundred years have agreed this city in Revelation 17 to be Rome, but here we clearly see Rome is not the only city that sits on 7 hills.

Virgin Mary Mosaic

Virgin Mary Mosaic

The picture I took is not the best, but it does show the circular calligraphy panels that hang from the piers and surround the Virgin Mary. These panels contain the names of Allah, the prophet Muhammad, his four caliphs (Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali), and Muhammad’s grandchildren Hussein and Hassan. To a Christian, the names of Allah and Mohammed are certainly blasphemous names.

I will not make the call that “this is that” which we read about in Revelation. I only hesitate because Revelation says the woman “rides a beast” and I don’t clearly see that here. What I do see is the Virgin Mary is carrying an infant, supposedly Jesus the Christ Child, but riddle me this. If everything else we have seen in this building and the city outside has an esoteric meaning, maybe they see Christ as something else also?

B308BC49-B899-4332-98B0-B92F88D073ABSo here we have one of the few mosaics that actually depicts an adult Jesus rather than an infant. The divine feminine gnostic goddess always presents herself as the “Mother of God” and more important or higher than Jesus. This is a classic Eastern Orthodox image of an adult Jesus. In the image, Jesus is holding up a hand sign which we recognize as a Papal Benediction, also filled with much ancient, esoteric meaning.

This mosaic above shows the “as above so below” hand sign popularized by many popes and the baphomet images. The “as above so below” hand sign is symbolizing the exact opposite of what Christ taught us. “ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN”. Think about it. Very subtle differences, but this is the grand deceiver at his best/worst.

The Gnostic Christ, (Lucifer) is the great cosmic interloper. He always seeks to present himself as the true and living God and will accept all worship by any means necessary.


Search Google images for Jesus Baphomet and the hand symbol will make sense. The Gnostics and pagans who built and dedicated the Hagia Sofia depict Christ as an infant to the adult Mary every single time. The muslims who now control the building, wholeheartedly embrace these depictions.

The only time any of them make a full size image of Jesus, he is depicted esoterically as the baphomet goat. This tells you who they say Jesus is, or who they think is really their god.

Anyway, check out the rest of the video up above and come to your own conclusions. I hope to make many more videos on various other subjects this year. I promise to get better at it and find a place to stash the dog. She is so jealous of me when I start using the computer.

Aloha out from Mike and Remi the dog




Things Calvary Chapel Pastors Say


So I ran into a faithful brother today at the Kapolei DMV and we had a good long chat. We were two of the last of the remaining original CC Nuuanu members still going to CC Komo Mai. Since I have left, he is one of the last of the original guys still going. One of things we got into were “things Calvary Chapel Pastors always say” and I thought it was worth to share with my readers. I’ve also left a few easter eggs up on this post, hidden in plain sight. See how many you can find!

We love the CC Pastors and all the current and former members and we don’t want to be guilty of gossip or backbiting so I won’t share the greater discussion we had.


1). First thing these pastors always say. “Be a Berean”, (Acts 17:11 the Bereans “were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so”). and “If you ever have a problem with anything I say, come to me”.

What the pastor really means is, “I only want you to think that I am correctable and teachable”.


2). This statement is often followed by “At Calvary Chapel we don’t have a membership, you are free to come and free to leave”. Everyone who has ever been to any CC has heard their pastor say this. They all parrot it and it must be a memorization requirement before they get the dove. It’s typically said in a sermon to compare how much better CC’s are to all the other churches that actually have memberships.



This at first glance sounds so free and liberating but what the pastor is really saying is “yes you are free to stay but once you begin to have a problem with my response (more likely my lack of response if you ever actually dare question anything I say), the whole “your free to leave” part suddenly takes on a whole new meaning and pretty much invalidates #1 above, and is a strong indicator you are under an authoritarian ruler.

3). If you ever truly need to confess something to a Calvary Chapel pastor, they often stop you dead in the middle of your confession. “hey man, that is between you and the Lord”.

Harvest-A-Greg-LaurieWhat they are really saying is, “I am probably struggling with the same thing you are and I won’t have an answer for you”.

This kind of over spiritualization is rampant in CC but I’ll caveat this post by saying not all CC pastors are like this, however…

The big celebrity pastors all are, and so are the ones who follow after and want to be like them.

4). “You’ll never find a perfect church” is yet another one of those things Calvary Chapel pastors always love to say. It may be true on the surface, but unfortunately, again, for the CC pastor, it also has a darker undertone to it. What the average CC pastor is REALLY saying is he is uncorrectable and unteachable. (He really doesn’t want you to be a Berean as described in #1) This is a subtle brainwashing of you the member, since there are no perfect churches, why bother offering any criticism of your pastor at all. And if you must question or disagree with your pastor, please refer to the “free to leave” portion of saying #2 above.

7e4843b5392dbed541eb8d8ac016af0c5). Any mention of “the Laodicean church” of Revelation Chapter 3 in a CC sermon will almost always be used in context of the Mormons or Jehovah Witnesses down the street. Because of this, CC pastor’s end up giving their congregations a false sense of security, very much like any other large religion and the denominations. Calvary Chapel’s never ever look inwardly at their own leaders, or traditions, teachings or congregations, which is the intent of the author of Revelation.

I’ll update this post as I remember the other things “CC pastors say” but for now please browse these links. There is a reason Calvary Chapel is now included on many Cult awareness websites.

If you have any more “things Calvary Chapel Pastors always say” please leave a comment below. And click subscribe above to be notified when I update this blog.

il_570xN.801692361_mjf4Calvary Chapel — The Logo of the Divine or Divine Deception?

The Cult Education Institute info about Calvary Chapel

Calvary Chapel Alert

Spiritual Abuse in YWAM

Broken Trust Book by Remy Diederich

brokentrustI just finished reading the new book “Broken Trust, a practical guide to identify and recover from toxic faith, toxic church, and spiritual abuse”.

I met the author Remy Diederich recently on the “Spiritual abuse in YWAM” group on Facebook. That is a very active group with hundreds of members and daily updates. Although I was never in YWAM, at one time I wanted to be, I just never had the money to join their expensive and fraudulent DTS (THANK GOD) but they are very closely related to and recruit heavily among Hawaii”s Calvary Chapels.

I have spoken now with the author of this book, Remy Diederich a few times via chat and email. I am amazed at the wisdom he has regarding toxic and abusive churches but also realize this kind of knowledge comes at a great price.

I am about to read the book a second time and go a little slower this time. It is the best explanation I have found on how people in churches cloak abuse under the guise of spirituality.

I wish I had a copy of this 25 years ago, but its a new release, and people are just now beginning to understand what makes abusers tick.

To be fair, some people don’t know they are being abusive, they might still be able to change. Others are very good at it and don’t know any other way. Both need to be confronted.

Now finally, with Gods wisdom and many answered prayers, a few new and now very close friends, and finally Remy’s book, I know clearly now I am not the only one who has learned to identify these manipulators in church leadership.

Identifying their Scent

The abusers power lies entirely in their ability to isolate and diminish the abused persons concerns and filling their minds with doubt, condemnation, shame and guilt.

Most people never identify that they have been or are being taken advantage of by their trusted clergy. Others start to get a pretty good idea. Often times two people, sometimes very close to each other will witness the same behavior or abuse. Only one sees it for what it is, the other doesn’t. This could cause broken friendships, even divorces.

Remy makes a couple of good analogies in Chapter 27 on page 102-103. Survivors can eventually “smell” abusers a mile away, even when others can’t. We see the subtle tones and gestures in their behaviors and we start to catch what’s being said and what’s being left out of their sermons or conversations. People who have survived abusive relationships become super sensitive to abuse.

When questioned, the abusers will quickly accuse their examiner of being a “gossiper”, “over reacting” or “hyper sensitive”, a “sin sniffer” or a “pharisee” or even “slanderous”.

Confront or Leave

In an earlier chapter Remy describes how often times the abused is in a “no win” or a “double bind” situation. The best thing for most people to do is just leave, quickly. On page 45 of the book Remy uses the analogy of a burning house. Do we criticize the person who fled the burning house for using the wrong exit or not exiting quickly enough or for trying to put the fire out first? The answer is No. As long as they safely get out.

For most people the correct answer is just to leave. For a few stronger minded and stronger stomached individuals, confronting the leadership of your church may be the way to go but this often ends up back in a double bind, or as they say, spitting in the wind.

Anyway, go out, get Remy’s book. I wish I had something like it 25 years ago but God has been gracious to me. I have not left the faith,. I consider myself a stronger Christian now more than ever before. The last pastor who wrote me a nasty email accused me of many things but it was too late for him. I see through them now. They have no power over me anymore. Calvary Chapels may not technically be a “cult” but I have experienced much cult like and abusive behaviors among the top leaders of Calvary Chapels in Hawaii. YWAMs and Calvary Chapels both are showing up more and more on Cult awareness websites.

I won’t throw the baby out with the bath water and say they are “all” reprobate but I suspect at least a few are. I don’t know much about the other churches in Hawaii but was with a friend last night who has suffered obvious abuse from another large charismatic church in Hawaii. Guys please, if you see smoke, there is probably a fire. Just leave.

If any of you need help, Email me or leave a comment here, i will respond; or just get Remy’s book. Don’t let these people lay their trips on you. God is all you need. Anything else is legalism. leave these people to themselves. Get alone with God. He will show you everything you need. Remy does a fantastic job of laying this all out on pages 60-61.

The first thing to do is leave. Remove yourself from the abusive situation. #2 protect yourself if being physically or (if I may add) legally threatened.

#3 Take a break

This is important enough Ill bold it. When you leave an abusive relationship, resist the temptation to return. Well meaning believers will tell you “YOU MUST go to church” but they are wrong. This is like telling someone who just got out of an abusive marriage “THEY MUST get married again right away”. Think about how ridiculous that sounds! Take a break! God alone is all you need!

What else to do

Get perspective, this can be accomplished through a variety of means. For me it was new friends. Remy recommends journaling, prayer or even professional counseling. Next find a new community or like minded believers. Develop a new devotional life free of legalism and pharisee-ism. Finally establish new boundaries.

I didn’t do every thing in the precise order of Remy’s book and there are certain things i’ll never do. (I don’t really Journal except for this blog, and I don’t go to counseling except for the occasional trusted close friend) but pretty much got everything else done. There are one or two loose ends I need to tie up before I can truly move on with my life. I probably have a few more days of spit on my face, some spit still my own (from the wind) and others from getting yelled at at point blank range by the last and final abuser I have yet to break free from.

Link to buy Remy’s book here.

JD Farag Calvary Chapel Kaneohe Commentary by Jacob Prasch

*UPDATE 4/30/2017

Pastor JD has changed his tune on this teaching. On today’s YouTube update Pastor JD will just explain. I’m very impressed with his action. It is tragically THE FIRST TIME I have seen such humility in a Calvary Chapel pastor. Good Job JD. The rest of them should swallow their pride and follow your example. Aloha JD if you sneaking peeks on my blog.

The following is my original post from 4/21/2017

James Jacob Prasch questions JD Farag the pastor of Calvary Chapel Kaneohe over his non-traditional pre-trib views, specifically JD’s interpretation of 2 Thessalonians 2:3, JD’s mis-interpretation of the word “apostasia” (Strong’s 646), the rapture of the church, and the current global apostasy. Jacob Prasch is calling for a symposium or a discussion on this topic, not division.

Watch the Video

Jacob Prasch praises JD and the CCA (Calvary Chapel Association) for taking “something of a stand” against Brian Broderson departure and I agree. (that is, they didn’t really take a hard enough stand). Emergent doctrines and practices plague all the larger Calvary Chapels I have been to and I have yet to hear any Calvary Chapel Pastor voice a strong stand against the apostasy/departure that is flooding the charismatic churches today.

Jacob Prasch starts out very graciously in regards to JD’s teachings. By 28:00 minutes Jacob Prasch cites Dr Arnold Fruchtenbaum and Dr Mark Hitchcock as those who are upholding traditional and scholarly pre-trib vs the less educated less exegetically skilled and less knowledgeable and who are deviating from it. (that would seem to be JD Farag of Calvary Chapel Kaneohe)

Jacob Prasch then says, “Without intending to offend anyone”, (pretty sure they ARE going to be offended)  Jacob Prasch makes the case that this is clearly the teaching of the rank and file Calvary Chapel’s and most other Charismatic churches today and it is just the tip of the iceberg in my opinion, of the many problems facing Calvary Chapels and all of Christendom today. Jacob Prasch then describes how the 2nd generation of Calvary Chapel leaders are not as learned as Pastor Chuck or Paul Smith. Jacob also says it’s always milk teaching at Calvary Chapels nowadays and there are not many pastors at Calvary Chapels anymore who value actual academic bible study. Jacob Prasch goes so far as to describe JD as basically “untaught” as compared to more formally qualified scholars such as Arnold Fruchtenbaum or John Walvoord or Mark Hitchcock.

What Arnold Fruchtenbaum Actually Teaches

ArnoldI love intelligent debates and would eagerly welcome a reply from Pastor JD. As for myself, I have a copy of Fruchtenbaums “Footsteps of the Messiah, the Sequence of Pre-tribulational Events” in my library. I decided to take a look and see if Dr. Fruchtenbaum indeed taught pre trib like JD Farag of Calvary Chapel Kaneohe or more like Jacob Prasch was asserting.

On pages 85-86 Dr Arnold Fruchtenbaum clearly teaches the rapture of the church does NOT begin the tribulation. Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum teaches it will be the confirming of the 7 year covenant that begins the tribulation, NOT THE RAPTURE. This is traditional “pre-trib” vs the “imminence” doctrine popularized by Tim Lahaye, Thomas Ice,  JD Farag and pretty much the rest of the Charismatic movement.

Accusations of False teachers

The problem that Jacob Prasch and others like myself have with JD Farag of Calvary Chapel Kaneohe are this. JD Farag of Calvary Chapel Kaneohe makes accusations that “whoever doesn’t teach a imminent rapture pre trib view is a false teacher” and the word “apostasy” in 2 Thessalonians actually means “rapture”.

According to JD Farag of Calvary Chapel Kaneohe, he confidently proclaims he “seals the deal” in this debate with his handling/mishandling of 2 Thessalonians 2:3. He has said it many times on his weekly “prophecy updates” and his notes are also posted on his website. Here is one example.

(Thanks to Tina who left a comment pointing me to these notes)

I agree with Jacob Prasch, we shouldn’t be accusing each other but rather discussing what we have in common which is much more.

Jacob Prasch wraps up the video using the church in China as an example of being an actually prepared church vs a falsely secure church and which one has survived communism and persecution.

I really enjoyed Jacobs scholarly presentation and think it is so well done I am sharing it on all my social media platforms and by email and text to my friends, family and others.

/pau for now


HIM Conference 2017 Apostasy Alert

I don’t think many Christians ever ask themselves if their pastor is part of the growing apostate church. I also don’t think most Christians ever ask themselves if their pastor would protect the congregation from wolves in sheep’s clothing or if is it possible that the pastor may be a wolf himself.

I believe we are taking way too much for granted these days. My goal is to help bring light to these questions and more.

On March 16,17,18 2017, the HIM 2017 conference is coming to the Hawaii Convention Center. Many well known pastors from Hawaii are attending. This article will take a brief look at who are they sharing the stage with and what their purpose is. Are they declaring the truth of the Word of God or is something else happening here?

Here is a preview of the lineup for HIM 2017

UntitledThe lineup for the Hawaiian Islands Ministries 2017 conference has been announced and published online. Many familiar faces from around Hawaii are on the lineup and it almost puts me off guard to look any further for anything problematic.

Certainly if Ralph Moore and Elwin Ahu are going, it’s got to be a solid conference, right?

Many of these so called Christian conferences across the USA have stopped listing names of their speakers because many of them are into emergent, ecumenical doctrines, contemplative prayer, dominionism and mystical heresies and people like myself have been (to their annoyance) pointing them out. The hosts of HIM 2017 apparently have not gotten the memo because they list several speakers that have no business at a protestant, charismatic, evangelical conference. Before I start calling people out. A little foundation on where a bible believer should stand.

Acts 20:29-30 we were warned…

For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them.

I am putting up a few of the obvious ones today but plan on expanding this warning as the conference nears, so more Christians know exactly what kind of conference this is and help them decide if they really want to attend.

A Jesuit Priest will be a featured speaker at HIM 2017

jesuitMuch information exists on the Jesuits and their “Society of Jesus”. These men are deep occultists oathed to serve the Vatican and the Pope. This is the first and most obvious problem with HIM 2017. So many videos and exposes exist on the Jesuit order but as we race into the apostasy the ecumenical churches are returning back to their mother Rome.






The Jesuit Logo revealed

Their symbol is the black sun and has the initials for three Egyptian gods, Isis, Horus, Set.


To quickly find out what Jesuits think of what Christians believe just flip their logo upside down.


Get it?

Oh I can already hear you crybabies out there saying I am the one who is crazy but there it is in plain sight. The Jesuits think of Christians and Our Savior as, well, just look at their logo.

I have a real job and need to make this first post quick so moving right along…

Hindu Yogis

I would think the featured veteran Pastor of the lineup would know better than to share the stage with practicing Hindus but his bio actually is adjacent to this Yoga teacher Michelle Nahri.


Another Yoga teacher below, that makes two!


Oh come on, Yoga is just stretching, isn’t stretching good?

The meaning of a word tells us volumes about what that word really is. If Yoga is just stretching, the meaning of the word should reflect that.

A quick dictionary search or google search will reveal almost 100% of the time exactly what it means. From an honest Yoga instructor…


Another Yoga source describes more of the same.


Yoga by definition is BEING YOKED or attached to something else. It also means being joined or in union or subjugated or controlled or arrayed as an army.


The bible tells us EXACTLY what we are NOT to yoked to!
