Things Calvary Chapel Pastors Say


So I ran into a faithful brother today at the Kapolei DMV and we had a good long chat. We were two of the last of the remaining original CC Nuuanu members still going to CC Komo Mai. Since I have left, he is one of the last of the original guys still going. One of things we got into were “things Calvary Chapel Pastors always say” and I thought it was worth to share with my readers. I’ve also left a few easter eggs up on this post, hidden in plain sight. See how many you can find!

We love the CC Pastors and all the current and former members and we don’t want to be guilty of gossip or backbiting so I won’t share the greater discussion we had.


1). First thing these pastors always say. “Be a Berean”, (Acts 17:11 the Bereans “were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so”). and “If you ever have a problem with anything I say, come to me”.

What the pastor really means is, “I only want you to think that I am correctable and teachable”.


2). This statement is often followed by “At Calvary Chapel we don’t have a membership, you are free to come and free to leave”. Everyone who has ever been to any CC has heard their pastor say this. They all parrot it and it must be a memorization requirement before they get the dove. It’s typically said in a sermon to compare how much better CC’s are to all the other churches that actually have memberships.



This at first glance sounds so free and liberating but what the pastor is really saying is “yes you are free to stay but once you begin to have a problem with my response (more likely my lack of response if you ever actually dare question anything I say), the whole “your free to leave” part suddenly takes on a whole new meaning and pretty much invalidates #1 above, and is a strong indicator you are under an authoritarian ruler.

3). If you ever truly need to confess something to a Calvary Chapel pastor, they often stop you dead in the middle of your confession. “hey man, that is between you and the Lord”.

Harvest-A-Greg-LaurieWhat they are really saying is, “I am probably struggling with the same thing you are and I won’t have an answer for you”.

This kind of over spiritualization is rampant in CC but I’ll caveat this post by saying not all CC pastors are like this, however…

The big celebrity pastors all are, and so are the ones who follow after and want to be like them.

4). “You’ll never find a perfect church” is yet another one of those things Calvary Chapel pastors always love to say. It may be true on the surface, but unfortunately, again, for the CC pastor, it also has a darker undertone to it. What the average CC pastor is REALLY saying is he is uncorrectable and unteachable. (He really doesn’t want you to be a Berean as described in #1) This is a subtle brainwashing of you the member, since there are no perfect churches, why bother offering any criticism of your pastor at all. And if you must question or disagree with your pastor, please refer to the “free to leave” portion of saying #2 above.

7e4843b5392dbed541eb8d8ac016af0c5). Any mention of “the Laodicean church” of Revelation Chapter 3 in a CC sermon will almost always be used in context of the Mormons or Jehovah Witnesses down the street. Because of this, CC pastor’s end up giving their congregations a false sense of security, very much like any other large religion and the denominations. Calvary Chapel’s never ever look inwardly at their own leaders, or traditions, teachings or congregations, which is the intent of the author of Revelation.

I’ll update this post as I remember the other things “CC pastors say” but for now please browse these links. There is a reason Calvary Chapel is now included on many Cult awareness websites.

If you have any more “things Calvary Chapel Pastors always say” please leave a comment below. And click subscribe above to be notified when I update this blog.

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The Cult Education Institute info about Calvary Chapel

Calvary Chapel Alert

Spiritual Abuse in YWAM

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