I don’t think many Christians ever ask themselves if their pastor is part of the growing apostate church. I also don’t think most Christians ever ask themselves if their pastor would protect the congregation from wolves in sheep’s clothing or if is it possible that the pastor may be a wolf himself.
I believe we are taking way too much for granted these days. My goal is to help bring light to these questions and more.
On March 16,17,18 2017, the HIM 2017 conference is coming to the Hawaii Convention Center. Many well known pastors from Hawaii are attending. This article will take a brief look at who are they sharing the stage with and what their purpose is. Are they declaring the truth of the Word of God or is something else happening here?
Here is a preview of the lineup for HIM 2017
The lineup for the Hawaiian Islands Ministries 2017 conference has been announced and published online. Many familiar faces from around Hawaii are on the lineup and it almost puts me off guard to look any further for anything problematic.
Certainly if Ralph Moore and Elwin Ahu are going, it’s got to be a solid conference, right?
Many of these so called Christian conferences across the USA have stopped listing names of their speakers because many of them are into emergent, ecumenical doctrines, contemplative prayer, dominionism and mystical heresies and people like myself have been (to their annoyance) pointing them out. The hosts of HIM 2017 apparently have not gotten the memo because they list several speakers that have no business at a protestant, charismatic, evangelical conference. Before I start calling people out. A little foundation on where a bible believer should stand.
Acts 20:29-30 we were warned…
For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock.Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them.
I am putting up a few of the obvious ones today but plan on expanding this warning as the conference nears, so more Christians know exactly what kind of conference this is and help them decide if they really want to attend.
A Jesuit Priest will be a featured speaker at HIM 2017
Much information exists on the Jesuits and their “Society of Jesus”. These men are deep occultists oathed to serve the Vatican and the Pope. This is the first and most obvious problem with HIM 2017. So many videos and exposes exist on the Jesuit order but as we race into the apostasy the ecumenical churches are returning back to their mother Rome.
The Jesuit Logo revealed
Their symbol is the black sun and has the initials for three Egyptian gods, Isis, Horus, Set.
To quickly find out what Jesuits think of what Christians believe just flip their logo upside down.
Get it?
Oh I can already hear you crybabies out there saying I am the one who is crazy but there it is in plain sight. The Jesuits think of Christians and Our Savior as, well, just look at their logo.
I have a real job and need to make this first post quick so moving right along…
Hindu Yogis
I would think the featured veteran Pastor of the lineup would know better than to share the stage with practicing Hindus but his bio actually is adjacent to this Yoga teacher Michelle Nahri.
Another Yoga teacher below, that makes two!
Oh come on, Yoga is just stretching, isn’t stretching good?
The meaning of a word tells us volumes about what that word really is. If Yoga is just stretching, the meaning of the word should reflect that.
A quick dictionary search or google search will reveal almost 100% of the time exactly what it means. From an honest Yoga instructor…
Another Yoga source describes more of the same.
Yoga by definition is BEING YOKED or attached to something else. It also means being joined or in union or subjugated or controlled or arrayed as an army.
The bible tells us EXACTLYwhat we are NOT to yoked to!
Jacob Prasch from Moriel Ministries has released an update on the continuing and escalating problems of the Calvary Chapel fragmentation now well underway.
Jacob brings us up to date on what many Calvary Chapel pastors are still denying is even happening, or they are denying the severity of it. If your particular Calvary Chapel pastor will even acknowledge these events at all, he may reference it as something like “growing pains” or a “minor church split”, but the truth is a much darker and much more problematic. For starters, Chuck Smith’s old church, CC Costa Mesa has been hijacked by Brian Broderson and is no longer even considered a Calvary Chapel. So the Calvary Chapel movement is now, as Jacob Prasch says in his video, “a fleet without a flagship”.
The Two Ton Elephant in the Room
At around 27 minutes into his above video, Jacob begins to reference Greg Laurie as being “the two ton elephant in the room”. I thought for sure Jacob was going to mention the recent appearance of Greg Laurie at the interfaith prayer breakfast the day of the Trump inauguration. This was the day when Greg Laurie joined together with Jewish, Sikh, Mormon, Buddhist, Roman Catholic, Baha’i, Episcopal, Hindu and Native American leaders to pray for Donald Trump. Jacob seemed to have missed this one, and he just talks about other problems with Greg Laurie such as Greg’s aligning with Rick Warren’s purpose driven church, and Greg’s defending of Hillsong’s despicable Carl Lentz and the scandals surrounding Bob Coy etc and how all of this could have been and should have been avoided.
Greg Laurie just Prayed alongside Bahai’s, Muslims and Hindus
If you click and watch this video above, last week in Washington DC, Greg Laurie participated in an interfaith prayer service for Donald Trump. The service included shamans and witch doctors. Greg speaks from 41:19 to 43:02 which is barely 2 minutes, including pauses.
Stop reading here for a couple minutes and watch the above video for at least the portion from 41:19 to 43:02, so the rest of my article makes more sense.
Harvest responds
I shared this video with some close friends last week and one of them emailed the Greg Laurie Harvest ministries (not a bad idea) to which they replied…
Harvest Ministries are either incredibly misinformed about their pastor or they are blatantly lying and the video above proves it
Greg Laurie ABSOLUTELY knew he was sharing the stage with Catholics, Mormons, Prosperity word faith preachers, Bahai’s, Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists and Shamans and others!
Greg takes the stage of the interfaith service at about 40:50 in the above video. Greg is the 13th minister to take the stage, he follows a Navajo shaman, two Talmudic Jews, a Hindu, the Mormon, and two Muslims. One of the muslims actually sings from the Koran, no way you could have “accidentally” missed that one GREG!
Mariann Edgar Budde, Bishop of Washington – Episcopal Church
James B. Magness, Bishop Suffragan for Federal Ministries – Episcopal Church
Randall Marshall Hollerith, Dean, Washington National Cathedral – Episcopal Church
Cantor Mikhail Manevich – Washington Hebrew Congregation
Rabbi Fred Raskind – Temple Bet Yam, St. Augustine Florida
Alveda King – Pastoral associate, Priests for Life, Atlanta, Georgia
Harry Jackson – Hope Christian Church, Beltsville, Maryland
Narayanachar L. Dialakote – Sri Siva Vishnu Temple, Lanham, Maryland
D. Todd Christofferson, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles – The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Imam Mohamed Magid – All Dulles Area Muslim Society Center, Sterling, Virginia
Sajid Tarar – Baltimore, Maryland
Greg Laurie – Harvest Christian Fellowship, Riverside, California
For Harvest ministries to pretend Greg “didn’t know it was an interfaith service” is a LIE! Sorry to be so blunt but these people are just beginning to be just a little too brainwashed for me.
Another thing, Greg doesn’t preach against or to any of the other religious leaders there.
Greg instead prays for the military and our diplomatic core, our governors and mayors mostly and that all these people would be most importantly, “devoted to our nation”? That’s a wonderfully patriotic concept but where exactly is that in the bible Greg? The email above from Harvest ministries says Greg “declared the truth” but when you listen to his words, that’s not what happened. Greg was only coddling and buddying up with these other religious leaders, certainly not evangelizing or declaring anything except his own popularity.
What Greg Laurie really said at the National Prayer Service
Greg begins his prayer by addressing “Our Father in Heaven and God of compassion”.
Now I have never heard Greg pray that way before. (Only my oldest friends know I used to work at two different Calvary Chapel owned radio stations in the 1990’s so I am very familiar with Greg Laurie). I had to google that name, “god of compassion” and I was not surprised to see what came up on the images tab of that search.
The top results of the search term “God of compassion” turns up multiple hits to the Hindu demigod Sadaksari-Lokesvara or the Hindu god of compassion. Pretty sure Greg would know that and while it could be argued “that’s not what Greg meant”, but see the odd thing is this. Greg never prays this way. He is definitely going out of his way to come across as ecumenical here this time. I’m sure he wants to be invited back again. Oy veys mere!
All and Whatever
Greg’s prayer goes on to generically reference “whatever” once and “all who would call upon your name” and “all that they do” and goes on to pray for “all people” six or seven times total and used the name of Jesus only once at the end. According to the moderator of emails at the Harvest website, praying for “all and whatever” is “declaring the truth” and using Jesus’ name that one time at the end makes it so.
What Greg Does NOT say
A few sample of words Greg Laurie never uses even once during the ecumenical event he attended (accidentally according to Harvest) which might have been more appropriate are as follows. If Greg Laurie was really “declaring the truth”, Greg might have used words like sin, forgiveness, repentance, evangelism, study, bible, apostasy, death or hell.
No, America’s #1 Stadium filling evangelist didn’t sound anything like the Greg Laurie I knew from before. No, he sounds more like his buddy Rick Warren who prayed in the name of “Isa” back in 2009 at the inauguration of Barack Obama.
Isa is the false Jesus from the Quran who teaches people to follow Muhammed and surrender to allah! Arab Christians know this and will explain that Isa is NOT the same Jesus from the Injeel الإنجيل or as we say in English, the New Testament.
Greg Laurie’s reference to the Hindu “god of compassion” sounds a lot like Rick Warren’s reference to the false Jesus “Isa” back in 2009.
I have simply had enough. My friends who are Calvary Chapel pastors and members need to disassociate with that denomination. There are only a few Calvary Chapel Pastors speaking up. As best as I can tell, none of the Hawaii pastors are awake yet even though they all have the same information as the rest of us. At least one is outright hostile to me. It’s time to find another place to fellowship if that’s the way its going to be.
Just about every Calvary Chapel pastor in Hawaii
For any Christians reading this wondering what they should do, my only recommendation is this. READ YOUR BIBLES yourselves so you know the genuine article well.
Calvary Chapel Pastors like Greg Laurie and Bob Coy love to confidently hang their hat on having the correct doctrine but obviously, there is a much deeper problem here than just having the correct doctrine.
Last thing if your pastor doesn’t want to talk about these things or worse yet he can only be seen on a big screen TV on Sundays or is otherwise too popular for your questions then the decision is easy… Leave that church next Sunday and just GO SOMEWHERE ELSE. These issues need to be discussed openly. Pastors need to be repenting just as much as any other group. If they would self govern, guys like me, Jacob Prasch, Roger Oakland and others wouldn’t have to speak up.