Chris Quintana explains Changes within Calvary Chapel

This is a brand new video uploaded to Roger Oakland’s Understand The Times YouTube channel from Calvary Chapel Cypress pastor Chris Quintana. Chris is basically discussing all the now public information regarding as he describes it “hemorrhaging” taking place within the Calvary Chapel network.

Pastor Quintana does a nice job picking up where I left off on my December 10 post about Fuller Seminary, Calvary Chapel and the Emergent Church where I basically summarize Paul Smith’s (Chuck Smith’s brother) 2011 book “New Evangelicalism and The New World Order”, which is a nice little history lesson if nothing else.


Pastor Quintana further enlightens us to how certain speakers are currently “persona non grata” in the Calvary Chapel network which he seems to perceive that he is on that naughty list.

This is a long developing story and it is understandable that for many of my readers, this might be like trying to jump into the middle of a conversation that already started way before you got here.

nonsenseThe root of the problem behind all this Calvary Chapel drama is the seducing “emergent church” movement which teaches among many things for example that “God can redeem anything”. This is not biblical and is just another way of saying “the end justifies the means”. God will not redeem the occult for example. He in fact forbids it! This should be a no brainer.

These are just a few examples of a myriad of un biblical false teachings that like, the old “whack a mole” game keep popping up in various evangelical churches including Calvary Chapels. Those of us who are asking questions are all ending up on the Calvary Chapel naughty list. So be it! We stand in good company. The names I mention all deal in facts and do their best to shun gossip or conspiracy theories. I took the time to fact check Roger Oakland and Chris Lawson’s issues with Calvary Chapel (you should too) and I can assure everyone they are very much on target.

Jesus never taught in secret and His disciples were not a secret club or old boys network.

Luke 12:3 Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.

Many Calvary Chapel pastors have been acting very defensively lately. There really is nothing to fear. Being a pastor is not supposed to be “a good job” or a “family business”. These pastors need to simply ask themselves if they serve a business franchise or do they serve and trust the King of all Kings, our Lord Jesus Christ.

I remember when I was working the night shift at KLHT radio back in the 1990’s. I was convinced I wanted to be a pastor; that was until one night I was playing a Chuck Swindoll tape (yes they were still tapes) and Chuck preached “if you can be happy doing ANYTHING ELSE, go do something else” and I knew then and there I should probably not be a pastor.

I thank God for that epiphany He gave me back then as it allows me to freely comment, without any entanglements to the networks, fraternities and brotherhoods that make up the Calvary Chapel denomination today.

Roger Oakland and Chris Lawson and others have all done marvelous jobs laying out the facts regarding the varieties of ecumenical speakers being promoted in many Calvary Chapels. These issues will not just go away. I have created a playlist of several videos documenting these and many other issues in Calvary Chapels. This is my evidence here. Make a fresh pot of coffee, it might take a while watching all of these.

My playlist (above, not just one video) begins with Paul Smith and as of this post, it includes 16 separate videos. The videos are meant to be watched in order as each video lays the foundation for the next video.

I am praying for the people who can examine this evidence and continue to attend Calvary Chapel, AND OTHER OBVIOUSLY WORSE EMERGENT CHURCHES all while ignoring the evidence set before them and looking the other way.

I have known about much of this for a long time and I did not leave right away, so I do not judge those who are still entwined.

I would like to see at least ONE of the larger Calvary Chapels in Hawaii make a similar stand like Chris Quintana does in the above video. How I would rejoice if I could find strong leadership instead of fear of / or loyalty to some failing association headquartered 2500 miles away.

If I was a Calvary Chapel pastor at this point in time, I would just as quickly jackhammer the dove (which has questionable origins anyway) off the front of the church property, put it in a box and send it back to Brian Broderson with a “don’t call us, we will call you” letter and let the cards fall where they may.

I wish I didn’t have to write posts like this but the kids, including my own, are so smart. They know what’s happening often times LOOOONG before the adults do.

Kids, the bible uses the word “ekklesia” to describe us. Ekklesia basically means ‘called out’. When our pastors instead are accommodating and compromising with false teachers they are NOT being the ekklesia. Someone has to be the called out. God says there is always a remnant according to the election of grace. BE THE REMNANT. Pray for your pastors. You think you have it rough in your high school or college? These pastors temptations are far more seductive than yours. Pray for them.

If you are still not sure what in creation I am talking about then go watch pastor Quintana’s video and get caught up to speed.

I’ll keep updating as updates come my way. Subscribe to my mailing list here if you would like a notification of future posts.

Much Aloha






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